Delve into the heart and soul of the tranquilizing art of Decorous Henna Designs...

Wednesday 15 September 2010

To peacock or not to peacock?

Work in progress...

To wee peacock it was!
 Earlier this evening i sat contemplating what to do with myself...then remembered i have a new blog which still looked a little, what do the french call it? Je ne sais quoi-esque? So i roped in my little sister who quite reluctantly agreed to be my 'victim of torture' as she quite boldly put it! Which i totally understood, the perfectionist in me tends to SCREECH out the minute she or any of my other brave sisters even flinch as i  apply the henna (it's not as bad as it sounds i can assure you!). And patience is not a virtue my sister posesses so this wee peacock came about. The peacock design can be found throughout many contemporary henna designs. Traditionally the peacock design symbolises love, whereas the flower (within the peacock) symbolises fertility. Therefore, such designs can be found throughout bridal henna. I hope you enjoy this little intricate design and hopefully wont be too hard for you keen henna artists, that are willing to give it a try, to follow (Tip: always start from the elbow and work your way up towards the fingers with any design, this helps minimise smudging!!). Well it's getting late peeps so i better go and hit the sack before i feel like the sack has repeatedly hit me across the head several times! Goodnight...Bip xx

1 comment:

  1. That's such a pretty peacock! I'm sure your sister was happy with the end result even if not during the process, lol! I love the tidbit information about the pecock and it's symbolic significance.
